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Top 3 Ways to Support a Healthy Organizational Culture at Your Sober Living Home

A healthy organizational culture at your sober living home begins with you. Learn how to implement the right policies and procedures to help foster a congenial, therapeutic environment at your sober living home.

Though they are places of residence first a foremost, sober living homes are also organizations, workplaces and therapeutic environments. As with any organization, sober living homes can easily breed toxic cultures where indirect communication, fear, intimidation, coercion, blame and high drama thrive. 

It is often said that when you fail to consciously plan and attend to your organizational culture, you invite bad actors to prioritize personal power over organizational values. This erosion can happen slowly over time and it can be a difficult problem to fix once it’s taken root. 

The solution? 

Proactively plan for a healthy organizational culture before a toxic environment can ever develop.

Today at the Sober Living App blog, we’ll look at 5 things all sober living home operators can do to proactively support a healthy organizational culture at their sober living homes.  

Healthy Organizational Culture Tip #1: Post the Philosophy and Rules of Your Sober Living Home in a Prominent Place 

Part of a healthy recovery lifestyle is learning how to create and maintain boundaries as well as respect the boundaries of others. Creating strict rules and enforcing them consistently and fairly at your sober living home helps teach this important…

Because addiction cannot peacefully co-exist with healthy relationships, people in recovery often need coaching around how to create, maintain and respect healthy interpersonal boundaries. It takes time and practice to unlearn the toxic relationship patterns and behaviors that people with SUD practiced when they were using. 

One of the ways this manifests in sober living homes is a lot of boundary-testing around rules. Residents may break or bend rules to see how strictly and consistently they are enforced. Residents may attempt to “split” authority figures from one another to undermine a “united front” on rules. This, in turn, can result in a conflict between managers or other standard-bearing figures within your sober living home’s orbit. 

Don’t let this happen.

Clearly post the philosophy and house rules of your sober living home in a prominent place (like the living room) so that there is full transparency on what is and is not allowed. This consistency actually invites a sense of safety and stability into the sober living home environment and encourages a deepening of residents’ recovery.

Healthy Organizational Culture Tip #2: Don’t Hire Friends, Sponsors or Sponsees at your Sober Living Home 

Don’t hire friends to run your sober living home. Dual relationships are confusing to manage for you and confusing to navigate for others. It will be easier to foster a healthy organizational culture at your sober living home without them.

This is very controversial in the addiction treatment and recovery communities, but we humbly suggest that you reconsider hiring friends, sponsors and sponsees to manage your sober living home. These types of arrangements are sometimes called “dual relationships” and they can quickly and easily lead to trouble. It is difficult to maintain the proper professionalism and objective distance that a healthy working relationship requires when you are also personally “friendly” with your employee, especially if that friendship pre-dates the working relationship. 

Not only are these relationships difficult to manage themselves, they can also wreak havoc on your other working relationships within the organization. It will be easy for others to view your relationship as “favoritism” and “bias” and this will haunt you in future conflicts outside of the immediate dual relationship, as well. 

Healthy Organizational Culture Tip #3: Model Healthy Conflict Resolution at Your Sober Living Home

Conflict is inevitable. Plan for it the right way and you’ve set your sober living home up for a healthy organizational culture now and in the future.

People in recovery frequently struggle with healthy conflict resolution skills. Direct communication and assertiveness can feel threatening and foreign to those who are not accustomed to respecting and maintaining healthy boundaries. 

The fix?

Model healthy conflict resolution skills at your sober living home. Train all management and residents in healthy communication (like Non-Violent Communication or NVC) and create space for a formal conflict resolution process at your sober living home should anyone request it or require it. Put down in writing what a formal conflict resolution process entails and require all residents to agree to submit to such a process, if needed, in writing. There are many models of these types of processes online for free. Simply choose the one that most resonates with your sober living home’s mission and values and make sure to include those details in your new resident agreement. Make additional copies or a poster detailing the process accessible in a common area. 

We’re Here to Help Your Sober Living Home Create a Healthy Organizational Culture

At Sober Living App, we’re passionate about helping sober living homes across the country operate smarter. 

Running a sober living home can be a huge hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. 

We’ve distilled all the chaos that can easily overwhelm sober living home operators into a simple app that “thinks” about all the little details that go into running your sober living home 24/7 so you don’t have to. 

Claim your free, no-strings free trial today and see the Sober Living App difference for yourself. 

5 Things All of the Best Sober Living Home Managers Have in Common

Your sober living home is only as good as it’s manager.

Finding a good sober living home manager is probably the most important ingredient to a successful sober living home business. Sure, the right building is important and good residents are key but if you flub up on selecting your manager, your sober living home is definitely headed for disaster.

Being a sober living home manager is a tough job. It takes a rare combination of empathy, tough love, and common sense to pull it off well. When you’re interviewing for potential sober living home managers, you’ll want to look for certain qualities in your candidates. Some sober living home manager skills can be taught but many of them—like the oh so important soft skills that play a large part in the role— are harder to learn on the job. 

Today, let’s look at the top 5 things all of the best sober living home managers have in common.

Good Sober Living Home Managers Are Organized

The devil is in the details for the sober living home manager.

Ask any domestic engineer: running a home is a complicated matter. There are a ton of details to track and they change constantly. Anyone who struggles with keeping the toilet paper stocked up in their house can relate to how easy it is for the details of domestic functionality to get lost in the shuffle. 

Add to that the dividing and assigning chores to residents, tracking resident payments, managing group activities, scheduling drug testing, arranging for home maintenance work, maintaining residence vehicles, and everything else that goes into running a sober living home smoothly and you have quite the “to do” list to contend with.

Good sober living home managers are organized. They have systems (like the Sober Living App, perhaps?) to keep track of everything that needs to be done. Automated reminders and easy-to-use templates make the workflow easier to manage.  

Good Sober Living Home Managers are Consistent

Good sober living home management requires a strong sense of boundaries and rules.

A good sober living home manager is also a rule enforcer. Residents in recovery need structure to relearn sober living so they can thrive in their new lifestyle without drugs and alcohol. Sober living home rules help provide that structure in early recovery.

When it comes to rule enforcement, it is so important that your sober living home manager draws firm and consistent boundaries with residents. If residents perceive that your sober living home manager treats them unfairly, it is very easy for the home to devolve into chaos. 

A good sober living home manager will treat all residents equally and create systems that are built on fairness. They adhere to the rulebook at all times and don’t make exceptions lightly. They will not hesitate to enforce rules, especially when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient.

Good Sober Living Home Managers are Proactive

Sober living managers need to respond to problems before they become huge issues.

The best sober living home managers are proactive, meaning thy anticipate problems and deal with them before they become crises. This includes everything from interpersonal conflicts to leaky pipes. 

A good sober living home manager is observant of their surroundings and is always looking for ways to improve what’s around them. They know that early intervention is the key to a well functioning home. 

Good Sober Living Home Managers are Awesome Communicators 

Sober living home management is not just facility management, it’s also people management. Good communication is essential.

The best sober living home managers are top tier communicators. Their “people skills” come in handy when managing residents, sure, but they are also important when negotiating home repairs, dealing with prospective residents, and communicating with you, the owner. 

Find a sober living home manager who is responsive to your texts, calls and/or emails. It should be easy to get clear, concise information from your sober living home manager. A good sober living home manager loves to talk through problems and solutions. They value direct, open, and honest communication.

Good Sober Living Home Managers Document Everything

When good sober living home managers are in doubt, they write it down.

There is a lot to document at a sober living home: behavioral incidents, damage reports, rent payments, drug testing results, chores. A good sober living home manager doesn’t shy away from documentation, in fact, their motto is, “when in doubt, document.” Strong documentation not only helps with smooth day-to-day operations and easy bookkeeping, but it also helps coordinate care between managers and other players in the residents’ care team. Moreover, excellent documentation acts as a kind of insurance against liability claims or other potential disputes with residents, community members, or even maintenance workers. A good sober living home manager will never have to resort to “he said, she said” debates because they’ll have access to written documentation about most incidents. 

Every Good Sober Living Home Manager Needs the Right Tools to Get the Job Done

At BehaveHealth, we created the Sober Living App to help sober living home managers save their organizations time and money. Designed especially for the recovery industry, the Sober Living App eliminates paper record keeping and puts everything sober living home managers need at their fingertips at all times. 

From bed management to resident records to maintenance tasks, the Sober Living App automates the management of sober living homes in a frustration-free, intuitive format so that your staff can focus on providing excellent service to residents. 

Why not claim your free trial of the Sober Living App today?