
“Medical Cannabis Maintenance” and Your Sober Living Home: Friend or Foe?

How do you run a sober living home with medical cannabis patients? Why would someone do such a thing? And, is it discriminatory to exclude medical cannabis patients from your sober living home?

3 Types of Sober Living Home Residents You Need to Stop Admitting

Are you accepting anyone and everyone who expresses any interest in living at your sober living home or are you doing your due diligence when working through the admissions process?

The Absolute Best Updates you Can Make to Your Sober Living Home in 2021 (Part 1)

Sober living homes went through dramatic changes in 2020 to survive the pandemic - but what about 2021?

Got Open Sober Living Home Beds? Let Residents and Community Members Know About It - Automatically!

How are you letting referral partners, community members and potential residents know when you have open beds at your sober living home?

Chaotic Admissions and Billing? Check Out Sober Living Apps' Admissions 2.0 Update

One of the best parts of working on the team at the Sober Living App is working with sober living home operators around the country. Leading by example, the recovery housing community continually inspires us to work harder and stretch further than we thought possible. 

At the Sober Living App, we don’t just serve the recovery community, we are the recovery community. 

That being the case, it makes sense that we take a lot of our business ideas and inspiration directly from the wisdom of the recovery community. 

Here’s one of the big ones: We’re always hustling to improve the service we offer to others.

As COVID-19 has swept through the country, we’ve all changed the way we live. The sober living world has felt these changes acutely. 

At the Sober Living App, we listen when our users tell us that things need to change, and fast. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work, making the best all-in-one software solution for sober living home operators even better and even more useful in a changing world. 

The result? A smoother and more powerful app experience than you ever imagined, especially designed to take on all of the new challenges sober living home operators are facing today.

Read on to learn about the brand new features you’ll find in the new Sober Living App Behave Admissions 2.0 Summer 2020 Update.

Problem: Your clunky, time consuming admissions process involves a ton of multicolored paperwork, a lot of signature bottlenecks and awkward payment collection. 

Put your admissions process in the cloud and forget about the paperwork chaos. Every sober living home needs a simple, clean way to process admissions that saves time and sanity.

Solution: Our Summer 2020 Update removes all remaining admissions drama and replaces it with a zen-like digital process that’s 100% clean, simple and smart. 

Here’s how. 

A singular workflow eliminates user error and guides even the most newbie employee through the entire process, start to finish. 

The application form is customized. It’s online in the cloud. Potential residents can fill it out on their phone wherever they are. Once completed, all of the information they’ve entered into the application automatically populates the rest of your system.

Finally, we’ve added one-click signature gathering to our admissions process so you can now collect signatures via text or email from all parties. No more bottlenecks. 

Problem: Your cash flow has slowed to a trickle. You’re not paid, or if you are paid, it’s not on time. Your “billing department” is an afterthought. Worst case? You’re tracking “money stuff” on a spreadsheet.

Built in billing? Yes. Sober Living App’s automatic billing assistant automates everything you hate about your billing process.

Solution: Step away from the spreadsheet and meet your new bespoke billing assistant, designed especially for sober living home operators. 

Create a services menu using the services book feature and change the pricing wherever you want. 

Take 10 different types of payment, including Venmo and CashApp, automatically through our resident portal. 

Let mom and dad cover payments easily with our simple multiple payer feature. 

Wasting time chasing late payments? Stop. Our recurring automatic billing assistant creates new bills as they become due and sends automatic reminders to residents until they pay up. 

Problem: COVID-19 has generated several new categories of information that you need to collect from residents. Temperatures and test results are buried in electronic notes or jotted down on stickies.  

COVID-19 is sticking around for a while. We’re setting you up with the tools your sober living home needs to deal with it professionally.

Solution: Build COVID into your system. 

As we’re learning, the coronavirus is not temporary. This “new normal” is going to be happening for a while. We’ve accepted what we can’t change, and you can, too. In our summer update, you’ll find:

  • Vital signs tracking (including temperature)

  • COVID-19 test results tracking 

  • Specific coronavirus risk-factor questions built into the new resident application 

Ready to See More? 

Our summer Admissions 2.0 Update is just the icing on the cake. 

The Sober Living App is the most powerful, most thoughtful all-in-one app for the sober living community on the market today. 

Operating sober living homes is hard, but it doesn’t have to be chaotic. Let us show you how easy (and profitable) it is to bring order to your sober living home. 

Claim your free trial today

4 Ways a Trauma-Informed Approach Can Help Your Sober Living Residents Cope with Pandemic Stress

Addiction and trauma go hand in hand. Learn about how you can help your sober living home residents cope with pandemic stress with a trauma-informed approach.

A history of trauma is very common among sober living residents. As we continue to delve deeper into the pandemic, we are all being exposed to the shared secondary (or primary, in some instances) trauma of living through these disturbing times. The effects of going through such a turbulent time will no doubt be the object of much study in the years to come. 

As sober living home operators, what should we know about how trauma - past and present - are operating right now in our facilities? How can we support residents with a history of trauma during these traumatic times? What can we do to help residents cope with pandemic-related stress while building up their capacity for resilience? 

Today, we’ll look at four ways you can incorporate a trauma-informed approach into your sober living home’s COVID-19 playbook. 

Consider Screening New Sober Living Home Residents for Trauma

Screen new sober living home residents for trauma so you can address trauma appropriately as symptoms become apparent.

It’s difficult to address trauma when you don’t know it’s there. 

Implementing universal screening for trauma during your new resident application process helps you get to know what your residents are up against in terms of their lifetime trauma exposure. When an incoming resident has a high level of trauma in their past, you’ll know in advance. This can help inform how you respond to everything from “behavior issues” to interpersonal conflicts with your trauma exposed residents. 

Make The “New Normal” Predictable at Your Sober Living Home

Trauma and chaos do not mix. Keep your sober living home’s routine regular and predictable to avoid triggers for residents with a history of trauma. This helps promote feelings of well being and control over situations in people with trauma historie…

For residents with a history of trauma, unpredictable environments feel unsafe. COVID has disturbed all of the daily routines and patterns that signal to our brains that everything is normal. When big pattern shifts occur - like the ones we are all experiencing around COVID - trauma affected residents are more likely to respond negatively to the change. 

That’s why it’s so important to create as much pattern and predictability in our “new normal” as possible for your residents. Do everything you can to make sure that your sober living home’s COVID guidelines are predictable and consistent. Develop new routines around cleaning, visitation and socializing so that your residents always know what to expect, even during these uncertain times.  

Institute the Buddy System or Other Peer Support Program at Your Sober Living Home

If your sober living home doesn’t already use a buddy system, the pandemic is a great time to start. This helps residents with a history of trauma combat the negative effects of isolation and dissociation that often accompany trauma.

Does your sober living home offer in-house peer support? 

Do you have a buddy system between residents? 

If the answer is no, now might be a good time to start. Consider linking up “old timer” residents with new residents. When trauma affected residents are experiencing symptoms of isolation and dissociation, a quick check in with a buddy can help turn their day around.   

Get Curious About Problem Behaviors at Your Sober Living Home

Behavioral issues among sober living home residents is often in part due to a history of trauma. Residents learn certain coping skills to deal with negative emotions that may or may not serve them in all contexts. For sober living home managers, und…

Do you have a resident who is always breaking rules? Complaining? Starting fights? 

“Problem behaviors” are often warning signs of trauma. It’s tempting to ask such residents, “what’s wrong with you?,” but re-framing the question and asking, “what happened to you?” will most likely get better results. Often, the “problem behavior” you are picking up on is part of your resident’s trauma-related response. These responses might aggravate you, but your resident probably developed these behaviors as part of a survival strategy in response to their trauma. They are an expression of your resident’s will to survive in the face of adversity. 

Keep the Focus on Resilience at Your Sober Living Home

The sober living home community is resilient. Together we will make it through this pandemic. 

Infusing a trauma-informed response into your sober living home’s COVID-19 plan means treating your residents’ stress responses as normal rather than pathological. Helping your residents lean into healthy coping behaviors and veer away from negative patterns that no longer serve them helps build life-long resilience that will see them through the pandemic and beyond.

We’re Here to Help Your Sober Living Home Thrive

At Sober Living App, we know sober living and we’re committed to helping your sober living home thrive. 

Our software solution is saving time, money and sanity for sober living home operators across the country. 

We invite you to claim your free trial today.

Here's What You Need To Start Including in Your Sober Living Home Resident Agreements

A successful sober living home tenant relationship begins with a clear and concise new resident agreement.

Introducing Our New Resident Application for the Sober Living Home App

Big news at The Sober Living App! We have been hard at work creating the most useful and easy-to-deploy new resident application ever made for the sober living home community. Now it’s ready to share. Get your free trial now so you can see for yourself or read on to learn more!

3 Coronavirus Changes Your Sober Living Home Needs to Make This Week

Sober living homes across the country are grappling with the new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news: the recovery community is uniquely poised to deal with crises. We know how to meet seemingly insurmountable challenges head-on and stay in the fight against all odds. Our skills in self-determination, community-mindedness, and resiliency will serve us well in the coming months.

You Opened a Sober Living Home—Now What?

So, you finally bit the bullet and opened a sober living home—congratulations!
You probably already know what a great investment sober living is right now and what a high demand there is for this type of service. You’re feeling confident—and rightly so—about your sober living home as a smart investment and a sound contribution to your community.