Sober Living App - What You Need to Know Before Opening a Sober Living Home in Oklahoma

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What You Need to Know Before Opening a Sober Living Home in Oklahoma

Oklahoma sober living home friendly laws and little regulation

Considering opening a sober living home in Oklahoma?

You’re not alone. This is a popular idea right now because the demand for sober living homes in Oklahoma is high and the regulatory environment is very business-friendly, as well.  

Oklahoma has a significant drug abuse and addiction problem and sober living homes are popular throughout the state. Since 2003, overdose deaths in Oklahoma have increased by 91%. The rate of overdose acceleration in the state was made even worse during the COVID pandemic. In Oklahoma, if you’re under the age of 64, it’s more likely that you’ll die of a prescription opioid overdose than it is that you’ll pass away in a car accident. 

Still, Oklahoma is home to some barriers to sober living home development, such as an ongoing stigma around MAT residents in sober living environments. A reputation for violence and petty crime also does sober living homes no favors in Oklahoma. 

Today we’ll look at the laws that govern sober living home development in Oklahoma, as well as the organizations that offer voluntary certification and licensing for recovery residences in the state. 

Title 43A Exempts Most Sober Living Homes from Mandatory Certification and Licensing in Oklahoma

Oklahoma laws and regulations sober living homes recovery residences title 43a

Title 43A, a mental health statute passed by the Oklahoma legislature in 2020, governs most of the state’s laws and regulations surrounding mental and behavioral health entities. Title 43A explicitly exempts most sober living homes from mandatory certification, specifically homes that have either 11 or fewer residents or homes that are not “co-located” with certified addiction treatment programs. It also states that all such homes may elect to be voluntarily certified but that they won’t be required by the state to complete the certification process.

ODMHSAS Doesn’t Require Sober Living Homes to Get Certified But They Do Have Valuable Programs That Oklahoma Operators Should be Aware Of

ODMHSAS sober living homes are not required to get certified

Oklahoma’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (ODMHSAS) is responsible for certifying all addiction treatment centers in Oklahoma, but they do not require the same for sober living homes. ODMHSAS has no mechanism for certifying or licensing sober living homes, as recovery-based housing in Oklahoma is not required by law to seek certification. There is no government entity that oversees certification in Oklahoma. ODMHSAS does, however, oversee a recovery housing scholarship program for people in recovery from OUD, a recovery voucher program for low and moderate income individuals in “priority populations.”

When searching for relevant services, it’s helpful to know that ODMHSAS refers to sober living homes as “recovery-based housing” instead of the more familiar terms “recovery residence,” “recovery housing,” “sober living,” and “halfway house.”

The Oklahoma Alliance for Recovery Residences is a Great Resource for Sober Living Home Operators in Oklahoma 

Oklahoma alliance for recovery residences sober living home certification licensing

If you’re thinking of opening a sober living home in Oklahoma, it’s worth your time to get to know The Oklahoma Alliance for Recovery Residences (OKARR). OKARR is the state affiliate for the National Alliance for Recovery Residences in Oklahoma. OKARR began accepting applications for sober living home certification in January of 2020. Not only does OKARR issue certifications and complete inspections for the states’ sober living homes, they also host yearly events, such as an annual summit for sober living home operators. Like all NARR affiliates, OKARR represents sober living home operators at the state level through lobbying, advocacy and education.  

Getting Your Sober Living Home Certified with OKARR is a Three Step Process

There are three steps of phases you’ll undertake to get your sober lying home certified in Oklahoma. 

Step one involves filling out the online application and completing a self-assessment for your organization. There is an online portal where you can access all of the documents you’ll need to complete for this step. You’ll also upload certain required paperwork, like your sober living homes’ policies and procedures manual. 

Step two involves a real time interview to go over some details in your application. This is also an opportunity to ask questions and get to know staff at OKARR, to ensure productive collaboration for the duration of your membership. This step is somewhat unique to OKARR. Most NARR state affiliates do not require an interview during the certification process. 

Step three - the last step before certification - involves an “onsite review” or a physical plant inspection of your sober living facility. This is where a representative from OKARR will walk through your sober living home and ensure that all of the details conform with NARR standards. Once this is complete and everything is approved, you will receive your certification from OKARR. 

Use OKARR’s Database of Current Certified Sober Living Home Operators in Oklahoma to Help During the Market Research of Your Sober Living Home Startup

OKARR list of sober living homes in Oklahoma market research

OKARR maintains a list of all certified sober living homes in Oklahoma. The list features a wealth of information on many recovery residences in Oklahoma, including name, description, contact information, location, population served, referral requirements, cultural attributes, ownership, NARR level and current vacancy. 

Oklahoma Has State Laws Protecting Sober Living Homes Under Anti-Discrimination Laws 

One of the biggest obstacles sober living home operators encounter is community pushback and weaponized, misused zoning requirements designed to squeeze people in recovery from SUD out of residential areas and communities. Oklahoma is no exception to this troubling trend. However, the state of Oklahoma has a law on the books - TItle 43A - that explicitly reaffirms protections for people with SUD based on anti-discrimination laws. This additional layer of protection from discrimination bodes well for sober living home operators facing legal issues in the state. 

Considering Opening an Oklahoma State Sober Living Residence? We Help Sober Living Succeed. 

Sober Living App makes it easier - and more profitable - to operate sober living homes. 

Our all-in-one app handles rent collection, admissions, property management, residents’ care coordination, community contacts, transportation details, calendars, staff, alumni and more - all from the convenience of your phone. 

Claim your free trial today and see why more sober living homes prefer the Sober Living App.