The Absolute Best Updates you Can Make to Your Sober Living Home in 2021 (Part 2)

We’re back with more suggestions for optimizing and updating your sober living home in 2021.

In our first installment of the “Absolute Best Updates You Can Make to Your Sober Living Home in 2021,” we covered training up your staff, automating your admissions and creative ways to add more beds to your facility. 

Think we’re all out of ideas? 

Guess again! 

Today, we’ll cover a few more suggestions for updating your sober living home in 2021. 

As we do so, we’ll be taking into account the changing landscape of sober living, the increasing demand for sober living, the wind-down of the pandemic and the unpredictable state of the real estate market right now. All very important things to keep in mind at the moment. 

So, sit back and enjoy “The Absolute Best Updates You Can Make to Your Sober Living Home in 20201 - Part 2!”

Leverage Landscaping at Your Sober Living Home

How’s the landscaping looking at your sober living home? 2021 might be a good year to start giving the yard a little TLC.

2021 is also an ideal time to rev up the landscaping at your sober living home, especially if you’re late to the game in refinancing the property. 

Studies show that landscaping updates have one of the highest ROI of any improvement you can make to a property, outside of additional bedrooms, additional bathrooms and other capital-intensive overhauls, like kitchen remodels.

Sprucing up the landscaping at your sober living home in 2021 is a smart strategy for a number of reasons.

  1. New landscaping could boost your appraisal numbers ahead of a re-fi, allowing you to maximize the amount of equity you could pull from the property.

  2. It’s possible that you could exchange board or discount rent for landscape work from one or more of the tenants. 

  3. Nice landscaping might help with neighborhood relations and diffuse any NIMBY problems you may be encountering. It’s more difficult to argue that you’re lowering property values when your yard is the nicest one on the block!

Befriend Your Sober Living Home’s Competitors 

Making friends with your sober living home’s competition doesn’t feel natural but you can have mutually beneficial relationships with other operators in your area if you know what your common goals are.

This year, consider joining (or creating!) a sober living home network in your area. 

Sure, they’re your competitors, but you have some important common goals, namely keeping people sober and maintaining sober living home -friendly laws and regulations in your area. 

Networking with other like minded entrepreneurs and businesspeople in the industry can be a powerful way to achieve your goals. It’s possible the synergy you create in your local sober living home network could parlay into more deals and more cash flow. 

At the very least, you should be able to create an alliance with another sober living home operator to send each other residents when one or the other of you have no beds available. 

Also, sober living home networks and organizations can help you get discounts on professional tools and resources, like our sober living home software! 

Clean Up Your Sober Living Home’s Online Presence With a Web Audit 

2021 is a good year to clean up your web presence. Sober living homes with bad reviews and sloppy websites are likely to struggle in this digital-focused market.

When was the last time you Googled your sober living home? 

Been a while? 

Open an incognito browser and do it now!

How’s it looking? How are the reviews? Are there any reviews? Is the information on Google Maps complete? 

How about your website? See any typos? Is the info up-to-date? Does it clearly state your USP?

Can visitors easily tell if you have beds available or not without calling you? 

(That last one’s an easy fix - head over to our Bed Availability Widget post to learn about our super-easy solution to that problem.)

What you’re doing here is called a “web audit” and you should do it regularly if you don’t already have a marketing team doing it for you. 

Anything that looks amiss: address it. 

  • Reply professionally and diplomatically to negative (and positive) reviews. 

  • Complete your Google Maps information. 

  • Make sure there’s no typos on your site. 

  • Get your social media presence looking tidy and professional. 

This year, clean up your internet “footprint” and make sure you’re projecting your sober living business’ best qualities online. It’s 2021!

We’re Here to Help 

Sober Living App is your sober living home’s partner in success.

Are you tired of working too hard at making your sober living home successful? Always feel like you’re letting details fall through the cracks? Do you feel overwhelmed by the chaos of it all? 

Looking to run your sober living home the smart way?  

At Sober Living App, we designed a solution just for your business. We don’t serve anyone but sober living operators just like you. We’ve tailored our all-in-one housing program solution to meet the specific needs of sober living home operators who want to work smarter, not harder. 

To get started with Sober Living App, claim your free LITE account today